시카고 매뉴얼(The Chicago Manual of Style), 2018.

* The Chicago Manual of Style, The University of Chigago Press, 17th edition(2018).

6.9 Periods and commas in relation to closing quotation marks.

He described what he heard as a “short, sharp shock.”
“Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,” she replied.

14.10 Short forms for URLs.

For example, a search for the 1913 novel Pollyanna in the Google Books database may yield a URL that looks like this:


… The URL for the main page for the book looks like this(and should be preferred, assuming a page reference is included as part of the full citation):


Alternatively, it is usually acceptable for such formally published resources simply to list the domain name(e.g.,https://books.google.com/) or the name of the database (e.g., Google Books); interested readers should be able to search for and find the cited source based on the full facts of publication. On the other hand, shortened versions of a URL provided by third-party services (and intended primarily for use with social media) shoud never be used.

* 인쇄 출판물에는 도메인 네임과 검색어, 데이터베이스 검색 페이지 주소까지만 표기해도 무방.
* 인터넷 연결 미디어에 인용할 때는 전체 인터넷 주소 표시.